In Lyon we find 3 gothic rose windows very flower like, with a common base layout: 6 large petals blooming around a centre.
The idea of this series of courses is to use basic elements of gothic geometry and to see how the same elements (trefoils, quatrefoils, six-foils) can be put together differently in a same structure and give varied results.
Also by offering a simplified and advanced version of each rose I hope to show how in gothic geometry things are rarely as simple and logical as they first seem.
Often elements are adjusted to give more flow to the curve, then working on several levels of grid overlapping and what looks like a regular trefoil is not necessarily one!
Simplified | Advanced | Complete | Video release | |
Pack 3 roses | 90€ | 190€ | 240€ | bellow |
Saint Paul | 35€ | 70€ | 90€ | 01/12/2023 |
Saint Bonaventure | 35€ | 70€ | 90€ | 01/01/2024 |
Saint Jean | 35€ | 70€ | 90€ | 01/02/2024 |
Prices for these courses will probably go up in August 2024.I still haven't taken the time to re-evaluate the content since I finished filming them last winter, but the content ended up being more substantial than I initially thought when I priced them (before filming them). Sign up for the Newsletter (bottom of this page) to keep updated.
Online courses are all available for several years, feel free to sign up now and watch them later.
Simplified Versions
This version is ideal if you are a geometry beginner or that you just want to enjoy tracing nice gothic looking pattern with ruler and compass
We will use regular elements of trefoils, quatrefoils and six-foils, with minor adjustments.
The result is inspired by each of the rose windows, without being identical to the original window.
Advanced Versions
It is strongly recommended to have some geometry (with ruler and compass) experience before going for those versions.
We will use all the thickness levels, which are sometimes essential to get a final result close to the original window (drawing several levels of thickness requires a good precision with ruler and compass).
The construction be as close as possible to the original design.
Includes the simplified and advanced versions.
Videos of the 3 roses will come out from December 23 to February 2024
(and will then be available for at least a year)
Saint Paul : 1 st December 2023
Saint Bonaventure : 1st January 2024
Saint Jean : 1st February 2024
The rose winow of Saint-Paul in Lyon
Videos release date: 1st of Decembre 2023
The rose window of Saint-Bonaventure in Lyon
Videos release date: 9th of January 2024
The rose window of Saint-Jean in Lyon
Videos release date: 7th of February 2024
The geometric construction offered for these roses are the result of my research. I have my heart set on find a construction as close as possible to the original widow for the advanced versions, and relatively easy to apply solution for the simplified versions.
However as we do not have written sources on the drawing techniques of the time, it is impossible to know if the builders back then traced the design in the same way, it is "one likely story".
As years go by, even I am refineing and perfecting the geometric constructions that I am offering. Like so, the verisions offered for Saint-Paul and Saint-Bonaventure in Lyon are somewhat different to the versions I thaught in the passed (and Saint-Jean I am teaching for the first time).
Equipment and materials needed:
*One large sheet of paper, around A2, is recommended for the advanced versions (for the final drawing of the large roses), and also a compass extension or a beam-compass and a 40 or 50cm ruler.
-Standard photocopy paper, or drawing paper (120grs) around A3 size (or similar)
-tracing paper (A3 or similar)
-drawing compass
-30cm ruler
-pencils or mechanical pencils (0.5 or 0.3 leads) and eraser
-some coloured pencils
-pens, eventually some coloured fine-liners
Online course contents (recordings, PDFs, links, images, etc) are accessible through your member's account on this website.
Live sessions are hosted on Zoom, the link will be sent within 48h before the beginning of the session.